Business Law and Commercial Property

Buying or selling a business, leasing a property, involved in a commercial dispute or you simply need advice on any legal matters affecting your company, we are here to help.

Business Law and Commercial Property

Landlord and Tenant Law

Disputes between Landlords and Tenants can be avoided using expert advice from the outset, but if things do go wrong you need a local solicitor on your side.

Ropetackle, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex

Nothing is certain but death and taxes...

There comes a time in life when you should consider our Private Client Services, such as making a will, probate and estate administration, power of attorney, trusts and trust funds and inheritance tax planning.

Market Street, Brighton

Divorce, Separation & Children

When relationships break down you need sensitive and sound guidance you can trust, especially when there are children involved. We also offer fixed price divorce arrangements.

Solicitors for Divorce and Separation

Buying and Selling Property

If you are buying or selling a home then you need an experienced Solicitor that concentrates on your best interests, yet is also fast and accurate. Oh and let's not forget best value for your money.

Brighton Street View

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

If you are involved in a dispute, or are looking at litigation we are going to be very interested. From a simple consultation looking at your options, through to taking all the pressure, we deliver case-winning strategies.

Palace Pier, Brighton

Let's get started

For most people talking to a solicitor is not an everyday occurence, but please don't feel apprehensive; we are here to help you in any way we can.

To get the conversation started, simply get in touch, explaining your situation using any of the following... 

  Call 01273 461 381 or use this form to request a callback at a time to suit you.
  We are always happy to receive initial enquiries by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  Our Priority Customer Enquiry Form is safer than email and ensures your enquiry is quickly reviewed and answered. 

  If you are buying or selling a property, using the Fastrack Conveyancing Quote Form puts you at the top of the list.

  If you just want some fast, cost effective face-to-face advice then we offer fixed price 45 minute consultations for £175 plus VAT.

Satisfied customers of SolicitorsCLIENT Satisfaction

We may be able to trace our ancestry as solicitors for Brighton and Hove and Shoreham-by-Sea since 1806, but we don't rest on our laurels when it comes to client care. Each year we ask a randomly selected sample of recent clients about their experiences with a questionnaire, the results of which are taken very seriously. We are proud of our staff and how hard they work, which is borne out by our overall satisfaction scores. The Fitzhugh Gates team are working to maintain and improve our service and always welcome comments on how we can improve even further.

Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors News and Comment

Easter eggs

What rights do I have as a grandparent in relation to spending time with my grandchildren?

Whilst it is recognised by the courts in England and Wales that grandparents play a significant role in the life… Read more
Playground scene

No-fault divorce - removing the 'blame game'

The Government's Divorce, Dissolution & Separation Bill reforms the divorce/dissolution process to remove the… Read more
Playground scene

Domestic Abuse Bill – Key Points

The Bill introduced in 2019 is designed to tackle the problem of domestic abuse (DA) by broadening the scope of… Read more

Energy Performance Certificates for Commercial Property

UK government propose to tackle climate change and meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, which is… Read more

Why should you make a Lasting Power of Attorney and what is the alternative?

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document which allows you (the donor) to appoint one or more persons (the… Read more

Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors Helping the Community

Shoreham Wordfest v1

Shoreham Wordfest

Fitzhugh Gates is a long standing supportter of Shoreham Wordfest, a group of enthusiastic local writers and… Read more
Shoreham Wordfest v1

The Daisy Chain Project

Fitzhugh Gates is proud to provide a free monthly advice clinic at the Daisy Chain Project, helping to stop… Read more
Host Recordings Logo

Fitzhugh Gates Sponsors Host Recordings

A record label for homeless and insecurely housed musicians Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors is supporting Host… Read more
Original Allstars Music Logo

Fitzhugh Gates and Original Allstars Music

A Community INterest Company for Young Musicians Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors is supporting Original Allstars Music.… Read more
Mill Hill Shoreham by Sea

RISE - Refuge Information Support & Education

RISE is a domestic abuse charity working in Brighton and Hove which stands for Refuge Information Support &… Read more