What rights do I have as a grandparent in relation to spending time with my grandchildren?

Whilst it is recognised by the courts in England and Wales that grandparents play a significant role in the life of their grandchildren and that this can be at risk when families separate, unfortunately, grandparents do not have automatic rights in law to spend time with their grandchildren

Where an…

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No-fault divorce - removing the 'blame game'

The Government's Divorce, Dissolution & Separation Bill reforms the divorce/dissolution process to remove the concept of guilt.  For divorce and dissolution of civil partnerships, the 2018 Bill does the following:

  • Replace the existing facts with a new requirement to provide a statement of irretrievable breakdown.
  • Remove the possibility of contesting…

Read more: No-fault divorce - removing the 'blame game'

Domestic Abuse Bill – Key Points

The Bill introduced in 2019 is designed to tackle the problem of domestic abuse (DA) by broadening the scope of the legal definition of DA, making changes to judicial procedures and the better monitoring of abusers.

The main measures from the Bill will be:

  • Define DA in law, confirming that…

Read more: Domestic Abuse Bill – Key Points

Energy Performance Certificates for Commercial Property

UK government propose to tackle climate change and meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, which is an 80% carbon reduction by 2050. This can be done through greater energy efficiency, including energy efficiency in buildings. Buildings have been identified by the government as a major contributor to greenhouse gas.…

Read more: Energy Performance Certificates for Commercial Property

Why should you make a Lasting Power of Attorney and what is the alternative?

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document which allows you (the donor) to appoint one or more persons (the attorney(s)) to make decisions and to act on your behalf.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney.

  • The Property and Financial Affairs LPA allows your chosen Attorney(s)…

Read more: Why should you make a Lasting Power of Attorney and what is the alternative?

Gifting of Assets

Are you thinking of gifting assets? Perhaps you are thinking about gifting part or whole of a property to your children, for example. This is an area that is fraught with complications and risks. There are many things you need to be aware of before you proceed with any transaction.…

Read more: Gifting of Assets

Registration of the Birth of a Child

We are all aware of the complexities of registering a baby’s birth. It has to be done within 42 days of the baby’s arrival and if both parents want to be named on the birth certificate then they both need to attend the office of births, deaths and marriages. There…

Read more: Registration of the Birth of a Child

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