Host Recordings Logo A record label for homeless and insecurely housed musicians

Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors is supporting Host Recordings,  a Community Interest Company and record label with the aim of providing a musical outlet for musicians who are or have recently been homeless or insecurely housed.

Through writing songs with Host Recordings at two locations (St Clare’s homeless drop in centre in Worthing and Emmaus Centre in Brighton) where the music sessions take place, these musicians are given the opportunity to tell their story through music and have the songs written, arranged and recorded to a high standard. These songs are then released to the public giving the musicians an income for selling their music.

Host Recordings Image

From left to right: David O’Connell, Russell Gallaher, Chris Lawson, Nathan Marshall, John Gailbraith


Fitzhugh Gates has strong links to our residential and business communities. We not only work here but we also live here, and try and do our utmost to be supportive of local initiatives.

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