Shoreham Wordfest v1

Fitzhugh Gates is a long standing supportter of Shoreham Wordfest, a group of enthusiastic local writers and readers, who have got together with a shared passion for words written, spoken and sung. 

Each autumn, Wordfest puts on a festival in Shoreham and its surrounding communities including Creative Writing workshops and a full programme of drama, author talks, children and family events.

Shoreham Wordfest also organises an annual Celebration of Shakespeare around April each year, along with occasional poetry, creative writing, plays and other community events.

Take a look at the Shoreham Wordfest website for full event details and sign up of their regular newsletter 


Fitzhugh Gates has strong links to our residential and business communities. We not only work here but we also live here, and try and do our utmost to be supportive of local initiatives.

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