Ladies Bench ParkWhat is the difference between paying for legal advice from an expert Solicitor and free legal advice?

Sometimes only the cost.

Access to legal services is under greater threat now than at any time since legal aid was introduced, but the private client department at Fitzhugh Gates has a history of providing free assistance to parts of the community who might otherwise struggle to obtain legal advice. Take wills for example:

Free will clinics.

We are pleased to support Age UK, running free will clinics for the elderly. Some of the people we see are either too daunted to go to a solicitors' office or they feel they can't afford it. Meetings are set up by Age UK and we see customers at their office in Sevendials, discuss their wishes with them and draft a professional will. All for free.

As an added bonus our work generates some donations to Age UK, but customers give as they see fit and only if they can afford to donate. We also run some more general free legal clinics on behalf of Age UK.


Support for local hospices is also close to our heart. For a number of years we have participated in will schemes for Martlets and St Barnabas, giving our time and expertise for free in return for a donation to the hospice. The client obtains a will without any professional fee and the warm feeling of having helped the hospice in the process. The schemes also help to secure the long term future of the hospices through legacies that some clients wish to include in their wills.

During the last year we have also helped patients of Martlets and St Barnabas who were too ill to get to our offices. We are willing to go out them at the hospice or at home to ensure their wishes are set down in a professional will. Completion of their will takes a weight off their mind and we know from experience how much clients value this service.

We also participate in Remember a Charity and Will Aid and we look forward to helping many more people in aid of good causes in the future. Perhaps even you!

Solicitors Fitzhugh Gates have offices in both Brighton & Hove and Shoreham-by-Sea, so if you’d like to talk to us about making a will, please contact us.

Head of department: Rhiannon Winter LLB (Hons) - Partner

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