Settlement Agreements
Settlement Agreements are legally binding agreements between employer and employee and can be used to resolve all possible employment claims that an employee might want to bring.
They are increasingly common and often used in redundancy and grievance proceedings.
A settlement agreement provides for a severance payment to the individual by the employer, in return for the employee agreeing not pursuing any claim in an employment tribunal or court against the Employer.
As settlement agreements are legally binding and put obligations/restrictions on employees, an individual must have independent legal advice.
If the individual and employer end their relationship without a settlement agreement, an employee has the right to take a case to employment tribunal if there are grounds to do so. This is also the case where negotiations over a settlement agreement break down or if settlement is offered and not accepted.
We handle many settlement agreements for all types of employments and would be happy to assist with yours. Our skilful negotiation achieves a positive outcome time after time and nearly always at no cost to the employee.
How to get help with legal problems
If there was ever a top tip when it comes to dealing with a legal problem it is to get proper advice from an experienced solicitor sooner rather than later. Asking us for help could not be easier; you can contact the Shoreham-by-Sea office, or use our online priority enquiry form.