Children's Services Care Proceedings

Care proceedings take place when children’s services have concerns for a child’s welfare or protection and consider that a child is at risk of significant harm.

This is a very specialised area of family law. Fitzhugh Gates solicitors have an experienced team who are able to deal with all aspects of these proceedings including representation at court.

We cover a broad range of proceedings and we represent children, parents, guardians and family members, working with sensitivity and empathy during this difficult time. We can advise you in relation to pre-proceedings meetings and children`s services court proceedings.

If you have been notified about attendance at one of these, do not hesitate to get in touch straight away.

The nature of this work is that proceedings can be issued at short notice. We are adept at handling such matters in a sympathetic and efficient way and we offer advice and information to ensure a full understanding of your rights and how the law may affect you and your family. We will also work hard to ensure that the child’s welfare is at the forefront of everything we do.

We represent both parents and children involved in care proceedings and in other public law proceedings in Brighton and throughout the Sussex area. Speak to our lawyers about funding for child care cases such as these – it is likely that you will qualify for free legal aid for representation.

We also specialise in other public law, such as special guardianship, adoption, children who are joined to private law proceedings and forced marriage protection orders.

Head of department: Craig Petri - Managing Partner.

How to get help with legal problems

If there was ever a top tip when it comes to dealing with a legal problem it is to get proper advice from an experienced solicitor sooner rather than later. Asking us for help could not be easier; you can contact the Shoreham-by-Sea office, or use our online priority enquiry form.